Hamilton Island


The Universe is always sending us signs and communicating with us. 

Are you picking up what it’s putting down?

If you’re like most people, you’re confused.
Nowadays the average person can’t deny there is something going on!
11.11 appears on most of our clocks, too often for it to be a coincidence. The phenomenon has entered mainstream awareness.
Then there’s the other numbers, 555, 333, 222, my Mum’s birthdate, your ex’s house number, your crush’s phone number. They seem to pop up everywhere and people are noticing!
There seem to be a lot of people dropping pennies or 5 cent pieces on the ground! They’re everywhere!  Are they a sign?
Feathers appearing where no bird or doona has been, let alone a feather boa! Could that mean something?
Butterflies, dragonflies, power animals, angel cards, oracle cards, songs on the radio, billboards and number plates! Most people acknowledge there seem to be signs from the Universe speaking to them in a myriad of ways. 

But what are they saying?!

I’ve written a couple of blog posts about interpreting the more common signs and symbols that Spirit uses to guide us.
In 6 Signs From The Universe And How To Decipher The Messages and 3 High Fives From The Universe And 3 Signs You’re Off Track! I describe the various universal meanings of number sequences, feathers, coins, dreams, songs on the radio and more.
What I’ve noticed though, in my clients and readers, is that many signs are, more often than not, being misunderstood!
I recently had a coaching client ask me to help interpret some signs regarding a potential love interest. 
My client was seeing the object of their affections’ birthdate, phone number, and other related symbols constantly and wanted to know why?
I was intrigued and asked for more details about what had come to pass between them and what exact signs were popping up and when?
To cut a long story short, it turned out that the crush was married and my client had been asked to stop messaging, by the spouse!
My stomach dropped.
As a coach, it’s not my place to tell a client what to do but to help them see the best course of action for what they want to achieve. As this was ‘Interpreting The Signs From the Universe coaching,’ specifically,  I had to ask, why is a birthdate on a number plate more of a sign than the fact that this person is married? 
How does seeing a phone number on a bus have greater significance than being specifically asked to cease contact?
I also have a friend who asked the Universe for a sign that the fiance who had left her was indeed her soulmate. She asked to be shown a panda, if it was true.
Her ex-fiance had broken off their engagement after she had caught him flirting with someone else over text message and confronted him about it. They would still talk and occasionally catch up but, more often than not, he would stand her up or change plans at the last minute. 
She lived in perpetual hope that he would see the error of his ways and come back. He strung her along and did whatever he pleased with much less respect for her than he had displayed while they were together.
Needless to say, pandas popped up everywhere!
It became almost ridiculous to see a panda around every corner, in every book, on television, in ads, coming out of the drains – ok that last one is an exaggeration, but you get the drift.
 If pandas were the sign, he was 100% her soulmate.
 EXCEPT, he’s not! 
That’s not how the Universe works.
All the millions of pandas were brought about by her fixation; it’s the Law of Attraction in action. Our thoughts create our reality.
The Universe would never sanction you to be treated without respect. Never would you be required to put up with anything that doesn’t honor who you are, not even from your soulmate!
My friend no longer speaks to her ex; she doesn’t care anymore and is finally over him after his behavior just got worse.

Law of attraction manifestation

So what about the pandas?

How can we ask for a sign then and be sure it’s right?

As a clairsentient, empath I live each day directed by spiritual guidance and the signs that I receive from the Universe. You will never be guided to violate your integrity, and never be asked to do something that harms another or demeans you.
The signs, that the Universe leaves for us, direct us to choices and experiences that will afford us the most significant spiritual growth. It also wishes us as much joy and peace, as is possible to have, in this challenging experience, that is life.
Many people live with the phantoms of unrequited love, the one that got away or missed opportunity.
Following the ‘breadcrumbs,’ that the Universe leaves, as a path for you, is to come to a wholeness where those phantoms disappear.
If your soulmate is married to someone else, your best course of action is to maintain your integrity and respect their relationship. Only then will you create the higher love that you dream of, in the ripeness of time.
Immediately, you will create a lasting experience of respect for yourself and respect from others. It will almost certainly expedite your ideal relationship coming to you, again because of the Law of Attraction.

The misguided way people approach the signs reminds me of the story of the drowning man.

Adrift at sea, after a shipwreck, he prays fervently to God to save him. When a boat arrives and offers him rescue, he waves it away, insisting that God alone will save him.
He lets a piece of driftwood float by, ignores the helicopter above him and waves another 2 boats away before finally drowning.
Upon meeting God on the other side, he asks “Why did you not save me?”
“Who do you think sent the boats?” replied God.

Law of attraction Signs From the Universe

There are many in the spiritual community and the population that will consult an angel card before using their discernment or logic.
I myself would always back my intuition before my mind. However, unless you’re sure that you’re able to properly interpret guidance from Source, you must take physical facts as the first sign. 
Ultimately the most obvious signs are the ones that are beyond misinterpretation. If someone hurts you, it’s a sign to set stricter boundaries or remove them from your life.
When the person you like says that they don’t want to be in a relationship, believe them. 
Someone that doesn’t message you back, doesn’t value you, despite the number sequences on the clock. 
These are all signs from the Universe showing you how you feel about yourself and what your limiting beliefs are.
Marry your logic with your intuition. Develop your gifts of psychic knowing and spiritual connectedness. When you can say you love yourself and mean it you will be in a place where you can channel messages straight from Source.
Until then, filter every sign, asking if it honors you and increases your self-respect. That is what the Universe is trying to lead you to.
The Law of Attraction will bring you that which reflects how you think and feel about yourself and the world! This is why the signs of exes and unrequited loves seem to abound. 

Let your integrity be so strong that the Law of Attraction must bring you goodness, success, and love as a reflection of that!

 The signs will steer you to that end. Remember though that the bigger signs are what is happening right in front of you. It’s in your work, relationships, money, and family.
The signs are the forest, not just the trees.

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Hamilton Island