Hamilton Island

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I went from being forever-single and struggling to pay my bills as a waitress, to manifesting my soulmate relationship, $100,000 in the bank, having my baby daughter and becoming a published author in 2 years!

My life did a complete 360-degree turnaround!


With the Law of Attraction and the Power of Intention!

You can create the life of your dreams too! I’ll walk you through how I did it, and I know it will work for you also!
What do you dream of manifesting in your life?
Success and recognition in your job?
A new car? House? A baby?
My BIG dreams were always about meeting my soulmate and having a family and of becoming an author and writing a book that helps people.
My dream of becoming a mother had come true when I had my gorgeous son in 2010.
Early 2016 however, found me struggling financially as a single mum, working as a waitress three nights a week.
I had just lost both my beloved parents to cancer and was completely grief-stricken.
Throwing in the towel was not an option. As a lifelong student of New Age spirituality, it was time to put up or shut up, once and for all.
Within a year and a half of deciding to consciously focus on manifesting my deepest desires, using the Law of Attraction, the Power of Intention and the spiritual knowledge I’d acquired over 25 years, all my dreams had come true!!
At 42 I finally manifested my soulmate relationship and our beautiful baby daughter completes our family.  
I also came into a sum of money that took all financial pressure off and achieved my life-long goal of writing and having my first book published.
My book 5 Simple Steps to Manifesting Your Life Partner: Featuring the work of Marisa Peer, Alison Armstrong and Christie Marie Sheldon has helped people in more than 11 countries.
This blog is a source of joy and soul fulfillment for me and blogging part-time, while I am at home with my daughter, is an absolute blessing.
For the first time, I am living my dream life! If my 15, 18 or 25-year-old selves could see me now, they would weep with joy.
How did I do it? Turn everything around so dramatically and quickly and why, oh why, hadn’t I tried manifesting sooner?!
As a spiritual person, I had to get to the place where I realized it was ok to want things for yourself- tangible, worldly things.
I also had to clear the deep-seated feelings of unworthiness that compounded my inability to receive.
Consciously using the Power of Intention and the Law of Attraction, I was able to manifest the life of my dreams, and I want you to be able to do that too.
The happier we all are, the more fulfilled, the higher the vibration of humanity! If I can help anyone with what I learned, I feel like I’m living my purpose.
Spirit wants you to learn how to harness your power and honor yourself enough to draw to you the things that bring you joy.

How the Law of Attraction Works

You are a magnet.
Right now, at this moment, your energy is communicating with the Universe.
What is it saying?
Most people are telling the Universe a story of opposites.
“I want this…but that will never happen…I’m having a good hair day today…but otherwise I look like crap… I’d love to quit my job…no, it’s a secure job, it pays the bills, definitely shouldn’t quit my job… this top is nice, I’m buying it…ew I have to take this top back, it’s not flattering .”
The last two examples are from people I know and love. Does any of it sound familiar? If you recognize yourself, take heart that you are not alone and now that you see it, you can change it.
Doubting your decision-making, when it comes to buying a top, leaving your job, or anything,  means you are manifesting by accident. Two steps forward, one step back.
You’ll get a date with a good looking guy, who turns out to be a jerk!
Or you will have a small win in the lottery just before your car breaks down!
You may finally get a promotion, but a customer will then complain about you.
Your manifestations will cancel themselves out because the Law of Attraction dictates that like attracts like. If you are thinking both positively and negatively, you will get positive and negative experiences!
Now that doesn’t indecision of any kind is wrong. Acknowledging that you don’t have enough information to make a decision. Or that you aren’t ready yet, is a power position.
It is asking the universe to bring you clarity. You will manifest what you need to make the decision, move or purchase in the ripeness of time.
 Flip-flopping in your head between options because of fear or doubt sabotages you from bringing to you that which would fulfill your soul.
Can you feel the subtle distinction?
You must be a magnet pointed in the direction you want to go, not one swinging back and forth.
There’s no faking it till you make it with the Law of Attraction!
A lot of the doubt and fear we carry has its roots in childhood or painful experiences so healing has to occur before you can genuinely manifest all the things for which your heart yearns.
I know life is hard sometimes, and no-one can think positively 24/7 but if you realized how impactful it was, could you love yourself like your life depended on it? Train your mind to be more solution-orientated and trusting.

Power Practices

If you’ve read 5 Simple Steps to Manifesting Your Life Partner: Featuring the work of Marisa Peer, Alison Armstrong and Christie Marie Sheldon you will be familiar with the five power practices I attribute to helping me manifest my soulmate relationship. They were, in brief-
#1   Setting your Intention- get clear on what you want! Be specific. Know when you are moving towards your goal or away from it. Solidify your Power of Intention by accurately visualizing your dream life!
 #2  “I AM ENOUGH” daily affirmations set as reminder alerts on your phone and stuck on post-it notes around your house.
I got this from Marissa Peer, the famous, hypnotherapist-to-the-stars. She advised one of her famous clients to place post-it’s, saying “I AM ENOUGH” around his mansion. Despite his wealth and fame, he was miserable.
Marissa says our feelings of unworthiness are the root cause of all our troubles. I gave it a go because I had nothing to lose and I wanted to see how it would make me feel. I thought “If it’s good enough for Mr. Richnfamous, it’s good enough for me.” I found it life-changing.
 Swearing by affirmation alerts, I still have “I AM ENOUGH” come up on my phone daily.
I quit smoking thanks to an affirmation I set on my phone, and I have added affirmations for outcomes I am currently in the process of manifesting.
To read exactly how I craft my affirmations read my post Stop Your Bad Habits and Speed Up Your Manifestation With Daily Affirmation Alerts!  Try it before you discount it. Leave them on for a minimum of 30 days, and I strongly recommend you make “I AM ENOUGH” one of them.
 #3Make space in your life for what you want to manifest and utilize Feng Shui in your home to activate the energy centers and affirm your Intention.
#4  Research and Education– equip yourself with the practical tools to get the things you want!  I did a course on understanding men called Crack the Code on Men with The Queen’s Code by Alison Armstrong! Alison opened my eyes to the ways I was misunderstanding asnd miscommunicating with men. Her work was instrumental in helping me attract and create a lasting loving relationship with my man.I truly believe she is a lightworker and an absolute gift to us all. For those that are interested, she also does programs that help men understand women better UNDERSTANDING WOMEN: UNLOCK THE MYSTERY! Learn why women do what they do – how they think, act, speak and listen – and how to work with it instead of being frustrated by it! Gain an extraordinary understanding of how women are designed.
Taking part in the course further solidified my Intention. I became open to and trusting of men, thanks largely to what I learned from Alison. Which in turn helped me become the same vibration as the relationship of my dreams.


Your intuition and inner guidance will steer you in directions that will help you achieve your goals. Listen for the inner promptings. Is there some knowledge you could acquire to help you manifest what you desire?
Hey, that rhymes!

Wisdom, Learning, Quote, Inspirational Quote, Manifestation

#5  Clear Your Blocks- this is a big one! The limiting beliefs that we hold are almost unconscious to us and they are standing between you and your dream life!
Think of one right now that you hold about money.
*Money doesn’t grow on trees!
*Money is the root of all evil!
*There’s never enough money!
Are any of these something you would think?
 Clear and delete all limiting, fear-based thoughts as they arise! Use the affirmation:

I clear, delete, uncreate and destroy the belief that…(insert negative thought here)… across all time, space, reality, and dimensions!

Energy healer Christie Marie Sheldon taught me this technique. Her courses, Unlimited Abundance, and Love and Above, were instrumental in helping me clear my blocks and raise my vibration.
For more in-depth information on clearing and deleting go to https://christiesheldon.com or you can read my book for free on the Kindle  Unlimited program on  Amazon.
Have you heard of the saying “Peeling the layers of the onion”?
It is often used to describe the spiritual journey because of the many levels to our belief systems. Often the biggest blocks are deep-seated and hidden.
During my process of bringing my sabotaging beliefs into the light, I uncovered an insidious one.
Underneath the louder beliefs, about money or unworthiness, there was a terrifying idea. It said that, because I love my son so much and I have been gifted with him, it would be greedy to ask for more. If I did want more then my beloved son may be taken from me, as in, die, as punishment for my ungratefulness!
No wonder I blocked good things coming to me!
It was horrific and sad for me to hear myself think like that! Worse, a part of me genuinely believed it!.
I cleared and deleted the horrid belief, over and over.
There are generally 10-20 different ways you think the same painful thought. You must clear all the different ways that are along the same lines. For example, I cleared my belief that my son would come to harm, be taken, die or be hurt- by my greed, by wanting more, by my ungratefulness and my sinfulness.
Every which way you think the limiting belief needs to be deleted!
Could there be a hidden, twisted belief sabotaging you?
Ask yourself what bad thing will happen if you finally get the abundance, success, or relationship of your dreams.
Does anything come up?

The Power Practice of Timelining

Tony Robbins, motivational quote, inspiration, t
Finally,  I want to introduce you to a powerful practice that will allow you healing and perspective.
You need to start manifesting from the energy of the now instead of the unconsciousness of the past.
It is called Timelining.
Likely you will be a little uncomfortable remembering the most impactful events of your life, negative and positive. But that is precisely the power of it.
Be brave; monsters only live in shadows.
Owning and acknowledging what we have survived reclaims energy that we left behind in those scary, hurtful moments. It aligns you with the now. You are wiser and more powerful than in the past.
The most beautiful moments of your life will be remembered too and take the edge off the trip down memory lane.

Power Practice, Timeline, printable, free, manifestation

You are welcome to use the free printable I made above, or you can create your own on https://www.canva.com as I did.
Start from birth, inclusive, and write down all the significant events that have occurred in your life. What has happened that has had the most emotional impact on you, positive or negative? Write them in order.
 Doing this for the first time, in my late 20’s and was astounded to realize that I had moved ten times in 7 years!
I was also left a little in awe of myself, seeing all the difficulties I had dealt with and the great things I’d experienced. It was a feeling I desperately needed!
Take your time with this. Let the waves of emotion wash over you as you remember.
When you reach the present, on your timeline, I’d like you to take a moment to sit in the energy that has come up from the past.
Acknowledge and honor your journey up to this point.
Now it’s time to think about your future.
Write down your desires for the next 3-6 months, one year, two years, 3, up to the next 10. Give the fulfillment of specific goals a date.
 Mark the day that you reach $100,000 in sales… or get engaged… publish your book… get the keys to your dream home or the new car.
Let all your hopes and wishes have a spot on the timeline!
Don’t forget to be specific.
Add the make and model of the car you will have.
Put, not just the date of the wedding, but when you are sending out the invitations. Do this even and especially if you are single right now!
Magnetize your energy with your enthusiasm for your goals!
Ignore the small voice in your head that doubts. You are going to prove that part of yourself wrong.
Don’t wait; you are sending out signals to the Universe every moment as it is!
Wouldn’t you instead want to create more of what you want, not what you don’t?
Once momentum builds, it’s like a cork has popped and you manifest abundance in all areas of your life because, ultimately, it’s about believing you deserve it.
Lastly, don’t get hung up on the time frames or dates that you ascribe to your goals. With manifestation, it’s vital to surrender ultimately to Spirit. We only want what’s in the best interests of everyone involved and if it is per what God/Spirit/your higher self/the Universe wants for us.
The Universe knows best, and as life is a magical and intricate tapestry. Pieces of the puzzle may need to fall into place first to create the optimum outcome.
Trust that what is coming will be even grander than you imagined and please let me know when it arrives.
I can’t wait to hear your success stories!
Imagine what your life will be like once you know you really can make all your dreams come true!?
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