Hamilton Island
Do you want to manifest more love, abundance, and success in your life?
Well derr. Don’t we all?!
You’ve been trying to use the Law of Attraction and manifest your dreams into reality?
Your Vision Board is up, and it’s super pretty.
Affirmations are on the wall or your desktop.
Are you thinking as positive as you can though nothing much is happening?
Your soulmate still hasn’t arrived? Neither has big money and the job promotion?!
‘Where are they?’ you wonder. ‘What’s taking so long?’
I have a question for you.
How good are you at receiving?
There are two beautiful women I know.
One has been with her soulmate nearly 20 years, having met him just out of her teens.
The other is the same age and despite being gorgeous, inside and out, still hasn’t manifested Mr. Right.
Most of her relationships have been painful with disastrous men instead.
She can get a man to commit, but she can’t get him to treat her the way she dreams her soulmate would, the way she deserves.
What’s going on here? Why does it seem so easy and natural for certain people to find love and for others it’s seemingly impossible??
One of the fundamental differences between my two friends is their ability to receive!
The first grew up the baby of a large and loving family. She’s confident, loving to herself, as well as others, though she doesn’t suffer fools.
She can receive, so she does!
Testimony to that, her marriage is a very modern one, with both her and her husband sharing, equally, the responsibility for child-rearing and household chores.
My other friend is sadly struggling.
She gets breadcrumbs from potential partners.
Broken promises are the norm.
Prospective suitors disappear, sometimes for days. Then out of nowhere, THEY’RE BACK (wooptidoo!) with poor excuses for their lack of manners let alone romantic ability.
There’s no dinner dates, no romance, no real effort put in. She hangs in there, waiting and hoping that it’ll come.
It won’t.
Not with a person that’s already complacent in their interactions with you. Unless there’s a significant shift in the relationship, like the one I describe between my man and I in5 Simple Steps to Manifesting Your Life Partner: Featuring the work of Marisa Peer, Alison Armstrong and Christie Marie Sheldon.
In the meantime, her soulmate can’t find her because she’s vibrating at a level lower than what’s required to draw big love to you. For tips on how to raise your vibration and create the life of your dreams, check out my post 5 Ways You can Raise Your Vibration And Manifest Success Right now!
Fishing for your soulmate?
So how do you increase your ability to receive?


* start saying “Thank you” to compliments instead of deflecting them
* accept help when offered it
* buy yourself flowers or chocolates
* practice gratitude for what comes your way
* start seeing the ways you prevent yourself from receiving.
Whether it’s wasting time on a person, who is giving you nothing to work with, let alone get excited about, or something as simple as declining the offer of the person allowing you in line before them.
Women are nurturers and givers. Out of both genders, we especially seem to struggle with receiving, and I have had to grow in this area to create the life I love.
I still have to catch myself from overextending for others. I am more comfortable doing the lions share and hate to feel like I’m imposing on people.
Do you have a glass ceiling in your mind? I am working on dismantling residual limiting beliefs within myself.
There’s a certain level of success that seems unrealistic to me. All thoughts along those lines I need to continually clear and delete to expand my ability to receive more.
If you’ve read ‘5 STEPS”‘ you’ll remember the powerful statement taught to me by Christie Marie Sheldon to remove beliefs that no longer serve you:
“I clear, delete, uncreate and destroy the belief that – (insert limiting belief) – across all time, space, reality, and dimension.”
It does reduce the energy coming from the negative thoughts, and I use it regularly. If done correctly and diligently, the clearing statements will leave you lighter and unable to hold beliefs that don’t serve you.
You will begin to manifest at speed, vibrate at a higher energy level and as a result be happier even before your wishes have come true.
So pick up that 5 cents you see on the ground and instead of wishing it was 50 dollars, take a moment and thank the Universe.
Who knows, your life partner might be right behind you, checking out your “bend n snap”!

This post was proofread by Grammarly

Hamilton Island



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