Hamilton Island

What is a psychic attack?

Are we all in danger of being attacked by evil spirits like in horror movies?

Let me answer that for you.

You are probably “psychically attacked” daily! Or at least weekly!

Fear not because it’s not spirits!

Every time someone holds a strong negative thought and emotion about you, you are likely experiencing a psychic attack!

Whether you realize it or not.

Have you ever been going about your business when all of a sudden a wave of anger or sadness comes over you? For no reason?
Been happy one minute and then, for no reason at all, suddenly become cranky and irritable?
You’ve probably just chalked it up to mood swings, hormones or hunger. If this happens to you often, you are probably experiencing a psychic attack.

What is a psychic attack?

As a clairsentient empath, I feel other peoples energy and emotions, whether they are aiming it at me or not. Across long distances even. I’m always checking in to see if feelings are mine or someone else’s.  
The way I learned was through being psychically attacked.

Psychic attack is feeling unpleasant physical sensations, emotions, and thoughts caused by strong negative energy someone is holding about you.

As weird as it sounds, my sister’s ears get red hot when the man in her life is directing emotional energy at her. Right for spite left for love.

I’ve always felt it in my heart and solar plexus chakras. If it’s negative thoughts, I will feel pressure in my head.

 For years, after a traumatic breakup, I could feel the surges of negativity my ex was directing at me.
Occasionally there were waves of love when he was missing me, but mostly it felt like anger, judgment even hatred.
It got to the point where a wave of negative energy from him could trigger an anxiety attack in me, and I just wanted it to stop, for him to get over it.

Crystals as a barrier.

I started placing crystals over my chakras when I was feeling a sharp attack of negative energy.
Lying down and balancing them on my third eye, throat, solar plexus, heart, sacral, and even root chakra, depending on where I was feeling the energy come in the most.
The crystals were a powerful buffer to the energy, giving me some comfort until the attack had passed.
(They are also the way you can test if the energy is yours or coming from outside you. If it is yours the feeling won’t fade by placing them on your chakras; it may even be magnified.)
At it’s worst, the psychic attacks triggered panic attacks so severe I couldn’t drive my car! They were debilitating!
I had to fight the energy almost daily-  using sage smoke, guided meditations cutting our energetic chords, white-lighting myself and crystals.
Exercise helped too. Movement helps align the body’s energy, and the endorphins raise our vibration to a level higher than the attack.
I took up running and the benefits to me vibrationally, not just physically and mentally were massive. For more on how to raise your vibration read my post 5 Ways, You Can Raise Your Vibration And Manifest Success Right Now!
We have small experiences of psychic attack daily.
A conversation turning awkward can leave us obsessively mulling over what happened. Going over what should have or could have been said differently as negative thought energy is projected at us by the other person.
I often experience pressure in my head and compulsive thoughts when someone has taken something I’ve said the wrong way and is stewing on it.
Luckily for me, because I can feel what’s going on for the other person,  I have the option to reach out and try to smooth the misunderstanding over or to let the energy pass.
Do I believe my ex was consciously sending negative energy to hurt me, as the popular definition of psychic attack would tell us?
No, I don’t.
He wouldn’t have known he has the power to do it.
He wasn’t particularly spiritual and didn’t believe in “energy”. Plus he wanted me to think he didn’t care and would be humiliated to know I felt what he went through after our break up.
I was surprised that he took it harder than me.
Knowing the attack isn’t malicious but coming from confusion, hurt and lack of awareness, on the part of the person directing the negativity at you, can make it a little less scary.
Believing someone is deliberately trying to hurt you, especially supernaturally, is terrifying and unhelpful.
Social media means there’s always a way for people to keep an energetic connection strong, even when we aren’t physically in their lives anymore. They can see what we’re doing, who we’re talking to, even what we’re saying!
Exes, or people who have issues with us, can be triggered by seeing us move on with our lives and of course vice versa.
My lack of self-protection and wholeness contributed to the energy channel being too open between me and my ex. The attacks only faded when I aligned, moved on with my life, no longer lent him energy mentally, physically or emotionally and shielded myself from any energy exchange, positive or negative.
I closed the invisible door. It was quite a long process, and if you think you are experiencing a psychic attack, please be patient with yourself as you try to combat it.
Finally, I’d like to address the question of whether or not evil, supernatural energies can psychically attack us and if we need to be concerned.
Both my parents have passed away, and I feel their beautiful, love energy regularly.
I have also felt the lower vibrational energy from disincarnate spirits. Sad, negative even angry energy. However, the only time I’ve ever experienced pure evil was a man that I came across walking through the park with my baby daughter, after having dropped my son at school.
I heard a voice ask me where the nearest Aldi was and before I even turned to see who was asking, I pointed out that it was just up ahead along the route I was going.
The person, asking for directions, was a man with bloodshot eyes, seemingly on drugs.  With him was a school-aged girl with the deadest stare I had ever seen on a child.
Looking into his eyes, I felt a chill, darkness I’d never felt before, one of nightmares.
I managed to keep the friendly smile on my face as all my energetic alarms went off. The man walked away, though not in the direction I had pointed him towards and not where he had said he wanted to go. Thats when I became frightened. Why had he asked me for directions if he wasn’t actually going there?
My path home was directly through the park, and it was also the way to Aldi, but he walked away to the right which would have meant he would end up following behind me.
Seeing this out of the corner of my eye, I stopped and pretended to adjust something in Ella’s pram.
The young girl looked back at me several times at the prompting of the man and as they turned the corner and started walking the way I would usually take home, I kept walking straight. I went around the block, hurrying home and locking all the doors when I got there.
For the next hour and a half, I could feel the darkest, evilest energy directed at me.
I was terrified that he had somehow seen where I lived and was coming to rape and murder me. He wanted to. I could feel it and I knew he was capable of it.
Atrocity and horror was what that girl with him was living, I knew that too.
I wish I had called the police, to help her and to alert them to this evil person but too long had passed before I had the wits to think about it.
This happened just before we sold our house and for the weeks until we moved I asked a friend to drive me to school.
I couldn’t walk through the park with my children anymore, so thoroughly terrified was I of that man.
There are two takeaways from that story. The first being, please follow your gut if something doesn’t feel right. Protect yourself, don’t people-please to your detriment. Be mindful of the alarms that your energy body sends you and back yourself, your life may depend on it.
The second, relating to psychic attack, is if you feel you’re experiencing negative energy directed at you, look first to the people in your life. Don’t stress yourself out imagining evil entities are out to get you and be heartened by the fact that you do have the power within you to shield yourself.
If you can find it in yourself, send the “attacker’ this blessing,
“I bless you with pure love and light, I bless you with pure Source energy and consciousness.”
Then, give yourself the blessing.

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